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Performer Registration

Register here with your contact information, experience and a good quality photo and we will contact you if/when relevant casting opportunities arise. 


Note:  If you are you an experienced performer based in, re-located or commute regularly to Tasmaniaand already; 


a.    Hold a profile on either Casting Networks, Show Cast or Altai


Then please email directly with your link to one or more of the platforms mentioned above and your agents contact details as we will communicate with you directly first before registering you via this channel. â€‹


Please note there is a ONE TIME administration Fee of $44 GST inc per person. This includes all updates of your Information/Photos/Media that you wish to provide in the future.

* TAS CASTING are not a Talent Agent, do not take commission, do not supply individual talent representation nor do they seek or guarantee work for individuals.  

* TAS CASTING are purely a casting service that is required to maintain a database due to the majority of talent in Tasmania being Unrepresented / Freelance.

* If you have an Agent TAS CASTING will always contact them first pertaining to any auditions/ opportunities. Unless otherwise instructed.

* TAS CASTING will not share any information with outside parties unless pertaining to a confirmed opportunity.

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